
“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and strength, use it to create.”
~ Dr. Maria Montessori


Infants can never have too much love, care and affection. To ensure your child receives personalized attention, our infant program provides one adult for every four children. We keep infants active, learning, and growing with music, sensory activities, and reading.


Your child has a natural drive to be independent which we encourage by creating an environment which encourages choice and communication with teachers and peers. Toddlers are taught the skills of toilet training and self care/hygiene. Your child learns a set of concrete life skills and self confidence.

Preschool & Pre-K

Due to the design curriculum, your child can work at her own pace while participating in a mixed age classroom community. Your younger child learns by observing the behavior and activities of the older children. Your older child gains self confidence, leadership skills and responsibility by setting an example for their younger friends.