About Us

“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.”
~ Dr. Maria Montessori

Learn More About Us

6 Founding Pillars


Montessori Inspired Curriculum

Our school uses the Montessori method which aims to enrich the child's learning by providing a guided but independent environment for children to explore, thrive, and grow their love for learning.



We prepare young learners for an unknown future world by creating STEAM experiences. S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) curriculum. AS Early Educators we are impacting the future right now, today. We are teaching the future thinkers, innovators, and doers of our future world. We can’t predict what new technologies or industries lie ahead but we can make our children’s future proof by giving them the skills to be successful.
STEAM is not simply about activities but rather it’s the process or journey of learning to be curious, explore, and investigate.


Natural Playscapes & Classroom

Natural playscapes promote self-directed play, discovery and exploration, and provide a space where children can interact with natural elements such as sand, water, wood and living plants. It is the foundation for environmental stewardship.


Mindfulness Activities

Mindfulness is a practice all about living in the moment. The focus is brought to the thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing in the now without adding a layer of judgment or over-thinking. It enriches and creates a foundation for a child's ability to understand their emotions and social interactions.
With kids, the goal of mindfulness is to help them move beyond thoughts of the past or future that may be draining, negative, or worrisome. Instead, it’s giving children the tools they need to connect with what’s going on in their world at the present moment. It’s about empowering them to accept their current thoughts and feelings and to form healthy habits for coping with all the big emotions they may have.


Cultural diversity

Acknowledging and celebrating cultural diversity is paramount in the classroom as it can dispel prejudicial views and even prevent them from forming. Through acknowledgement and celebration of cultural diversity, children become more informed and critical citizens. They begin to question and challenge issues of prejudice and equity/inequality for both themselves and others. Exploring the perspectives of multiple cultures enables children to view matters from the perspectives of others. Consequently, they become more open-minded, empathetic and willing to find out more and accept other cultures. Ultimately, understanding and valuing cultural diversity are key to countering racism. Additionally, celebrating diversity is an important step in appreciating one's own culture and developing self-esteem and a strong sense of identity, which is important for children's overall wellbeing and learning outcomes.


Offering Organic Food

We provide mostly organic food for the children in care. Choosing organic products can go a long way toward minimizing a child’s exposure to pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, and other harmful substances that may be in the food supply. Studies show that organic foods contain a wide range of nutrients that help to keep children healthy, that are found to be depleted in soils where non-traditional methods of growing have caused a dwindling depletion of vital nutrients in previously rich, loamy soil. As our natural playscapes will include a vegetable and fruit garden, studies show that this will greatly impact the future of children's relationship with food especially fresh food such as fruits and vegetables and help them to make healthier decisions in the future.